Nowadays all I want is to be an escape from this world. I want to die but I am scared to do so. My family situations are fucking worse. My anxieties are on peek I literally have no one share my feelings that is the reason I am here. I just do not want to exist anymore. Being lonely is hurtful in this situation.


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  • Hey buddy.
    Don't lose hope. We are here for you. Share your opinion thoughts anytime. You can start learning things to spend your time on. Anything. If you like to draw or write, start spending time on those. Make yourself busy with your favorite tasks. You can be active on Twitter. Try to find your interest-based people. Try to interact. For example, if you want to be a writer, you can easily connect with like-minded people on Twitter. You can escape the situations in those ways.
    And this platform is yours. Use it.

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